• Question: How cold is it in Antarctica?

    Asked by kingey.c to Simon, Julia, Delma, Andrew, Alex on 8 Dec 2015. This question was also asked by Angent4344.
    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 8 Dec 2015:

      Too cold 😛 I am surprised Alex hasn’t turned into a snow man yet!

    • Photo: Alexander Finch

      Alexander Finch answered on 8 Dec 2015:

      Sometimes if I stand outside for too long, I do start feeling like a snowman 🙂

      The temperature varies with the year, like it does in the UK, but opposite. Right now, it’s the hottest time of the year, and today was -5°C, which we consider to be pretty warm! In our the winter, which is in June/July, it gets down to below -50°C – now that’s cold! And then there’s wind and it’s all dark! Outside isn’t a nice place to be in that situation!!
