• Question: what is Christmas like in space?

    Asked by antek and georgina to Simon, Julia, Delma, Andrew, Alex on 15 Dec 2015.
    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 15 Dec 2015:

      The good news is they do celebrate Christmas on the ISS (sometimes twice!). Take a look here – Expedition 34 looked awfully festive. 🙂

    • Photo: Simon Challis

      Simon Challis answered on 15 Dec 2015:

      Hey antek and georgina!

      Delma is right! The crew celebrate Christmas on 25th December and Russian (Orthodox) Christmas on 6th January.

      They get presents, have a Christmas tree and wear silly hats just like on Earth!

    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 15 Dec 2015:

      Here is a christmas greeting from the ISS for you
