• Question: Are you proud of where you are now?

    Asked by Griff117 to Alex, Andrew, Delma, Julia, Simon on 7 Dec 2015. This question was also asked by 836nch47.
    • Photo: Julia Attias

      Julia Attias answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      Hi @656nch28,

      I am very proud of where I am today. If you would have told me in July 2012 (when I started researching with the Gravity-Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit) that it would be flying on the International Space Station 3 years later, I would have told you to stop being so stupid! :p
      It is really crazy to believe what has happened over the past few years and I am so excited for the future, and the work that I will be continuing with.

    • Photo: Alexander Finch

      Alexander Finch answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      Yes, I think where I am now is a unique experience that only a few people get to have. I’m also happy that I’m helping advance understanding of the climate and the physiology of space!

      I’m also proud to be a satellite engineer. It’s a good job, interesting and useful for humanity’s progress.

    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      I’m very proud of how far I’ve come and where I am. Getting a PhD was a lot of hard work, and science can be challenging, but I’m very happy to have made it to this point.

    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 7 Dec 2015:

      It is awesome and a privilege to work in something related to human spaceflight. It was especially awesome to work at the astronaut centre! It is a lot of fun too! 😀 You should come join us working in these sorts of jobs when your older 🙂
