• Question: have you always been adventurous

    Asked by Puplishguy160 to Simon, Julia, Delma, Andrew, Alex on 13 Dec 2015.
    • Photo: Andrew Winnard

      Andrew Winnard answered on 13 Dec 2015:

      Perhaps not as adventurous as Alex 😛 but I’ve enjoyed flying planes, going off to live in Germany to work at the astronaut centre and things like that, so maybe yes 🙂

    • Photo: Julia Attias

      Julia Attias answered on 14 Dec 2015:

      Hmmmm.. I think I am more curious than adventurous :p I definitely wouldn’t consider myself an “adrenaline junkie”, but enjoy adventures and exploring within relatively safe environments… Although going on a zero-gravity flight was pretty adventurous, and I am sure a lot of people would freak out at the thought of that so maybe I am more adventurous than I thought?!

    • Photo: Delma Childers

      Delma Childers answered on 14 Dec 2015:

      I’m a bit like Andrew and Julia: I’m not really sports-adventurous, but I am life-adventurous. I’ve always liked visiting new places, trying new foods (but mainly after the age of 5 – it did take a while to outgrow my macaroni obsession), meeting new people and learning about new cultures. The vomit comet was very adventurous, and to do it I got to go to a part of France I’d never visited before. 😀

      How about you puplishguy160 – do you like adventure?
